Film maker + Photographer turned Trail Runner
Hey there, I'm a trail enthusiast. I love pushing myself in nature, but I also enjoy relaxing amongst the natural wonders of the world.
First I'd probably say that I'm a film maker & photographer. But second I call myself an ultra trial runner and very amateur climber. (I also love a good roller blade).
You'll usually see me with a GoPro or my Fuji strapped to my body, whether it's around my neck or in my mouth for an action shot.
I get out to explore virtually every weekend, with my long runs, and the odd overnight hike thrown in. I document most of the places I visit. Follow my journey mostly through my Instagram, with the odd update on this site. I'm really keen to work with some outdoor brands to create content to help promote their quality gear, so please do get in touch if you have a proposition.
For motion, IĀ also shoot commercials & branded doco work over at www.BrendanCherry.com